Hi, I’m Lori Houze!

I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. I am also a Certified Neuro-Identity Evolution Practitioner, and I am so glad you found me.

I believe that we are all spiritual, energetic beings having a human experience. My purpose is to be the highest version of myself so that I can help others be the highest version of themselves through trauma/heart healing, mindset work, and intuitive readings.

I have been on this amazing Personal Growth Journey for several years. I have learned how to regulate my nervous system to embody my highest self. I have done, and continue to do, the inner work to heal my past traumas and wounds. I had to “unbecome” the person that I was … the person that was programmed from an early age, starting in the womb, that allowed others to tell me how to think, believe, and feel. I cared about what everyone else thought of me. I wanted to please others, even if it meant not being my true, authentic self. I was anxious and worried about the future. I felt like I had to control my kids, my husband, and everyone in my environment. And, I questioned my purpose.

After going through the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology, I have healed, grown, expanded, and evolved into the woman I am today. I love and accept myself fully and unconditionally. I am the fullest expression of myself at all times. I have created new thoughts and beliefs that are aligned with the woman I know I was created to be. I am fully regulated in my nervous system which allows me to create safety in my body so that I can make clear, aligned decisions with the woman in my vision…my future self. I am unoffendable and unrejectable. I know that I am fully responsible for myself, my thoughts, my actions, and my responses. I am whole. I am inherently worthy. I am love. I am loved. I know that everything is happening from me and for my highest good. I live every day in ease, joy, abundance, alignment and love. I know that I am connected to everything and attached to nothing. I also know that control is an illusion, and everyone is on their own journey to learn their own lessons in this lifetime.

And as far as my purpose goes … My soul’s purpose is to continue to heal, grow, expand, and evolve, and to teach others how to do the same; because this is how we change the world.

I Can help You:

  • Go within to create safety in your body by regulating your nervous system

  • To not believe a thought you think

  • Go from disempowering states of being to empowering states of being by upgrading your thoughts and beliefs

  • Go through the Inner Child Freedom Process to heal past traumas

  • Create a vision that helps you to embody your highest self all day every day

  • Dance with fear

  • Become your own Guru

  • Be your true, authentic self

  • How to trust, love, and accept yourself fully and unconditionally

You are here for a reason. You KNOW that there is more to life than where you’ve been or what you’ve done so far. Well, you’re right. There is more. And I am so happy to help you find it. Want to know a little secret? You already have it.