What is Soul Ascension?

Soul Ascension Featuring the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology is the inner work that creates next level success…like Magic! It is where highly-conscious, high-achieving women come together to expand their vision, master their mindset, heal the wounds that are holding them back, and grow their businesses in quantum leaps. Soul Ascension is an Identity Evolution Practice that integrates science, spirituality, metacognition (thought work), somatic (body work), and nervous system regulation to literally evolve yourself into the woman you are destined to become.


The wounds that I find most often that are stopping women include: receiving wounds, worth wounds, and abandonment wounds. These cause women to:

  • Play small

  • People-Please

  • Avoid tough conversations

  • Hedge their messaging

  • Feel “blocked” around their vision

  • Procrastinate

  • Overeat, Drink, or Numb

  • Overwork or Overdeliver

  • Undercharge

  • Avoid the limelight

  • Self-Sabotage

  • Create other ceilings to “stay safe”

“I have HEALED a lot of trauma (and I’m still healing) just in the short 12 weeks of listening, learning, and practicing everything Lori has taught me. If you have even thought about taking Soul Ascension, don’t think any more! Just do it! You will NOT regret that decision once!! Lori is an amazing teacher and brings such a light to the table!! We need more people like her in the world!”

Amanda Oliver, Salon Owner

It’s time to dig deeper to shine brighter.

Unscrew yourself and never get in your own way again.

This is how you change your thoughts to change your life.

You get to support yourself in becoming HER, the woman in the vision.

The insanely powerful, deliciously magnificent human who chooses to:

  • Become the observer of yourself so that you stop running on autopilot, giving your power away, and being victim to your habits

  • Free yourself from stress, frenetic energy, and fight-or-flight responses and live in a space from which you can respond instead of react

  • Break up with your inner mean girl, shed self-judgment, quit self-flagellating, and start treating yourself with love and compassion

  • Say goodbye to feeling resentful, easily triggered, and constantly judged, because nothing outside of you determines how you get to feel

  • Shift your relationship with fear so that you can show up, be more visible, and take action to create your future self, one choice at a time

  • Eradicate the great lie of unworthiness and finally believe that you are and you have always been enough

  • Stop striving, settling, censoring, hiding, and shrinking, and finally embody and operate from the highest version of yourself

This is how you become an unstoppable leader, both personally and professionally.

All you need is… 

Soul Ascension

A 9-week program featuring the Neuro-Identity Evolution Methodology™ that will teach you the “how” behind all of the personal development hype...so that you can use the power of choice to create the highest level of freedom you’ve ever experienced.

“This is an amazing program! I have been able to deal with a lot of emotional scars that I didn’t even know I needed healing from. I highly recommend Soul Ascension … my only regret is that I didn’t have it in my life 40 years ago! Let the healing continue… it truly is amazing!!!”

Lisa Ratliff-Snell, Executive Business Manager

What if you never, ever had to wait for anyone or anything outside of you to change before you could show up as the highest version of you?

Imagine having the power to consciously shift how you feel, who you’re being, and what you’re able to achieve...no matter what’s going on in your external circumstances.

You’ll stop waiting ‘til you get more clients, ‘til you get that promotion, ‘til your kids behave a certain way…(it’s never enough, is it?)

You won’t be relying on conditional happiness anymore.

You’ll simply be:

  •  Using the power of metacognition to feed yourself the thoughts you need to think to become the person you want to be

  • Cultivating a deep sense of self-trust so that you can live in an empowered state of calm, creativity, and flow

  • Feeling more connected in your relationships and waking up every single day with a deep sense of gratitude that’s gone beyond the pages of your journal and into your state of being

  • Guiding your own evolution with self-compassion and self-forgiveness and truly embracing the beautiful humanness that you are

  • Stepping up, speaking up, and showing up as the visionary leader that the world needs you to be

  • Actualizing your vision and impact while being happy, joyous, and present along the way

It all starts with realizing this:

You’re the problem and the solution.

When you’ve embraced your innate worthiness, your humanness, the spiritual being that you are...and you’re willing to take radical personal responsibility for how you think...that’s when you really get free.

Let’s begin right now.

Say it with me:

I’m no longer available to negotiate my worth.

(Yes, I’m coaching you right from this page because I just can’t wait to see you shine in all your glory.)

One more:

I am worthy. I am enough. I am powerful. I get to choose.

How awesome does that feel?

Stick with me, baby...we’re just getting started.

Hello, Gorgeous!

I’m Lori Houze.

Highly Conscious Mom of 2.

Empowered Wife.

Mindset Coach.

Intuitive Card Reader.

Heart Healer.

World Changer.

"Lori is as genuine as they come. she is the product of the transformation her coaching offers. Having seen so many others rise, Lori is a leader in her own regard, empathetic, intuitive, loving and deeply invested in YOU. I adore her and am soooooo thrilled she is showing up to empower others in becoming their higher self!"

~Mia Frankl, Powherfull Inc.

It’s time to lead, say what you want to say, and show up as your highest self.

Soul Ascension

$2,000 Paid in Full or

$750 per month for 3 months or

$400 per month for 6 months

  • 9 LIVE 75-MINUTE CLASSES taught by Lori Houze via Zoom where you’ll learn the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology for mastering your thoughts and emotions.

  • 9 OFFICE HOURS SESSIONS where you can ask questions and receive LIVE coaching from Lori Houze.

  • WORKBOOKS + GROWTH TOOLS that you can work through and implement to begin to see results right away, and continue to apply to support you throughout your journey. 

  • VIDEO RECORDINGS FOR LIFE of all sessions and calls so that you can continue to refer to them when new issues arise or you simply want to revisit the work. 

  • SYSTEM ALTERING, HYPNOTIC RECORDINGS & MEDITATIONS that will help reprogram your subconscious mind. (All while you sleep) 

  • OUR EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE COMMUNITY of extraordinary, unconditionally loving women where you can receive daily support from Lori Houze and your epic community.  Share challenges, ask questions, and celebrate each other.

Soul Ascension is a 9-week LIVE group program featuring the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology that will teach you how to use your mind as the magical tool that it is to support yourself in showing up as the unstoppable leader that you are.

Ready to unscrew yourself and never get in your own way again?


Andrea Kropf, Mindset Coach

This is for you if:

  • You are tired of living in other people’s expectations of you.

  • You are ready to do the inner work required to heal your past traumas.

  • You feel stuck, blocked, and not able to move in the direction of your dreams.

  • You feel lost, alone, or like you don’t fit in.

  • You know there is more to life than where you are and what you’ve done so far.

  • You are done feeling anxious, depressed, fearful, worried, stressed and overwhelmed.

This is not for you if:

  • You think mindset work is BS and has no application in “real life.”

  • You want instant results, without effort.

  • You’re into blaming other people for your problems and you expect them to change without doing anything yourself.

  • You’re not willing to access a higher and higher level of awareness of yourself and your environment.

  • You want to stay where you are, feeling what you’re feeling, doing what you’re doing, being who you’re being.     


(And you always have one.)

You’ve made it this far down the page, and even if you decide not to enroll in Soul Ascension, please remember this mantra:

I am worthy. I am enough. I am powerful. I get to choose.

My definition of empowerment is to consciously and consistently access your power of choice to align with who you want to be, how you want to feel, and what you want to create.

You’re always one choice away.

What will you choose?