Soul Awakening
Every month

Monthly Group Membership

  • (1) Monthly Live group Q&A Coaching Zoom Call

  • (1) Monthly LIVE Group Card Reading

  • (2) ANnual Live Mindset Masterclasses

  • uploaded Meditations, Energy Healings, Guides, Worksheets, Tapping, Breathing, Card Readings, and more

  • Private FB Community of like-minded souls who want to connect, NETWORK & support each other as we heal, grow, expand & evolve

  • (Monthly Value of $350)

Awakening your soul to the limitless possibilities of your future.

“Lori is a gifted healer and intuitive. Her reading and words were inspirational to my healing journey. I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone looking for a mindset coach and intuitive Healing coach. thank you, lori, for sharing your gifts for the healing of our world.”

Jeannine Mullin, Human Development Professor & Healing Mindset Coach